The Story Of
Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene:
I think of Mary Magdalene as one of the most courageous of disciples. I think of her as one who deeply understood and trusted Jesus, and helped advance His work. ❤️
During a period when Jewish law did not consider women's testimonies to be credible, Jesus asked Mary Magdalene to share the news about Him.
Women are rarely highlighted in the New Testament, and Mary Magdalene is one of the few who stands out. She was a dedicated disciple who traveled with Jesus, spreading His teachings.
Mary Magdalene played a significant role in Jesus' life and ministry. She is mentioned 12 times in the Gospels, more often than many of the apostles. Known for her strong faith and unwavering loyalty, her life was transformed by Jesus' miraculous healing. This inspired her to dedicate her life to following Him, even to His burial.
Mary was the first to witness the resurrected Christ. She was among the women who supported Jesus in Galilee (Luke 8:1-2), and all four Gospels confirm she witnessed His crucifixion and burial. John 19:25-26 records that she stood by the cross with Mary, Jesus’ mother. After seeing where Jesus was buried (Mark 15:47), she went to the tomb with two other women on Easter morning to anoint His body. She was then instructed to tell the apostles that He had risen.
Luke 8:1-3 recounts: “Jesus traveled from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with Him, and also women, including Mary called Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others.”
In Jewish society, women typically did not hold significant roles, making their involvement in Jesus' ministry quite revolutionary for their time. Jesus consistently challenged societal norms.
Mary Magdalene held a special place in Christian history, a role given by God.
Her actions spoke volumes as she supported Jesus' ministry with all she had. Remarkably, when most of the apostles fled in despair, Mary Magdalene remained brave and loyal. She never lost faith.
Mary’s devotion to Jesus shaped her entire life. She understood that her life had meaning because of Him. Her daily faith is something we all aspire to.
Poem About Mary Magdalene:
‘In shadows deep, where fears reside,
Mary stood with courage tried.
Her past a weight, her spirit scarred,
Yet within her, hope burned unmarred.
She walked beside the Savior’s way,
Through doubts and darkness, night and day.
In trials faced, her strength revealed,
A steadfast heart that would not yield.
At dawn she came, to seek and see,
The empty tomb, her soul set free.
With trembling joy, she dared proclaim,
“He is risen!” in Jesus’ name.
Mary, brave beyond compare,
Your faith and love, a flame so rare.
In courage’s light, your story told,
A testament of grace and bold.
Steadfast and true, by Jesus’ side,
Through darkest hours, she did abide.
No fear nor pain could make her flee,
She stayed with him at Calvary.
To see him suffer, to share his loss,
Her love unbroken, nailed to the cross.
In Mary’s courage, we find our part,
To stand by faith with loving heart.’
-Poem by Emily Tjomsland
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