The Story Of

Called To Serve

While I lived in Missouri, I loved driving past the colorful fields and rolling hills. The fields changed colors with the seasons. Sometimes when there hadn't been rain for a while, I could tell the crops were wilting, and I would hope for renewed rain to bring life back into those fields. There is a spacious connectedness I could sense looking out over those fields.

There is a beauty that comes with that stillness when I am willing to take the time to go there and appreciate it.

Sometimes I find myself too busy to venture out to appreciate that stillness, but my intention is to be willing to submit to follow the leadings within and to go where God might lead. God calls us to share that stillness.

Called to Serve is a tribute to every willing soul to heed the promptings wherever, whenever, or however, and to whomever we might be led. It is a call to venture beyond our comfort zone. This artwork is a tribute to those even willing to leave their home to follow Jesus out into the metaphorical field where He asks us to serve.

In the well-known Bible story, Jesus was visiting with Martha and Mary and was sincerely teaching Mary the truths of the kingdom when Martha busied herself with all the daily tasks. She did not prioritize her own experience with Jesus. Said Jesus, "Martha, Martha, thou are careful and troubled about many things. But one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen that good part." Like the story of Martha and Mary, even though there are excuses all around us to be busy, we can choose to be like Mary and choose that better part. We can submit our personal lives to that which is most important and most joyful to our souls.

Let us live our lives unreservedly in the service of our God.

The Bible mentions that Jesus did much good as He was "passing by".  Some fields feel far away from home, but there are also fields close by, and even each encounter is an opportunity as we pass by.

As we share the love of God with all those around us, we discover the source of lasting joy. As we learn to see each person as a literal child of God, we gain another sibling. They are worth it. You are worth it. I am worth it. The experience of sharing God with all around us is worth it.

The field is white already to harvest.

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